Being a happy single

  Being single’s having a time for yourself. It’s not about being forever alone. It’s about having a time to take care of yourself, to love your self. To learn things, to be independent. And to focus on something you haven’t kept an eye when you were in a relationship.
Being single is fun, you can flirt anyone without worries, you can do everything. But you know what sucks when you’re single? It’s when you get jealous of the couple you see. Admit it, it’s making you jealous no matter what you do. But don’t worry. Just look somewhere and smile. Don’t be desperate to fiind someone who will be with you in a relationship. Instead of hurrying thins up, find things that will make you a better person and appreciate the blessings God gives you, and at time dear, she will come. Remember good this come to those who waits

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Salam kenal blogger sekalian.
Ini adalah blog ketujuh gue, sebelum ini gue udah punya enam blog, hebat kan gue? Dan kalian tahu yang lebih hebatnya lagi? Enam blog gue tersebut semua terbengkalai alias ngga pernah terurus, sampai-sampai laba-laba dan burung gereja bisa bersarang di blog gue, sebetulnya selain itu gue juga mau ngebantu google menaikan ratting perusahaannya, yah hitung-hitung Ibadah.
Gue bikin blog terus gue tinggalin, yah begitulah, gue termasuk seorang playboy di dunia blog-blogan (?), tapi kali ini gue sudah berjanji kepada diri gue sendiri untuk mendedikasikan hidup dan mati gue untuk blog ini B-) muke gile!